If you need to contact me asap

call or text: 419-362-6267


You will find your Host's shopping links toward the bottom of this site.


Please enjoy these few short videos showing how you can benefit from Norwex!


This 2 minute video shows the comparison between chemical cleaners and Norwex.

WOW! Amazing right?! Norwex microfiber and water alone removes up to 99% bacteria! There's no need for disinfectant sprays and wipes when you have these powerful cloths around. You'll save a ton on Paper Towels and cleaners. Plus, the silver BacLock technology imbedded in our  microfiber will purify your cloths as they dry.


Here are just a few before and after pictures of what the Norwex Enviro Cloth and just water can do!

Now let's hear why Norwex is

Cleaner, Safer, Better!

I am so thankful I have Norwex to clean with instead of harmful chemicals not only because its's healthier, but also because it truly works!


This next video shows our one two punch cleaning duo for all the surfaces that you want clean and shiny! Here you will see how these cloths replace window cleaning spray and paper towels.

AMAZING right?! The Enviro Cloth cleans the grime and the Window Cloth makes it shine! Those two cloths are must have's in every home! The Basic Package is one of the most popular ways to get both together and save a few bucks! Packages are one of the best ways to get a discount on our top performing products. Speaking of... in this quick flash of a video below I am using the Household Package.

I used the Dusting Mitt wet for washing the window screens (It's typically used dry for regular dusting and cleaned off with the Rubber Brush). I used the Enviro Cloth to clean the windows, it's the cloth you use to wash EVERYTHING! And of course, I used the Window Cloth to dry and leave the window streak free and beautiful! All three of these come together in our

Household Package!


One of our most popular packages that people like to start with as their first purchase of Norwex is the Safe Haven 5 Package. It has the three cloths from the Household Package along with Laundry Detergent and the Cleaning Paste. When something doesn't come completely clean with the Enviro Cloth or it needs a bit more elbow grease, those two are my go to. Click play to see them in action!

Oh! Surprise! The Mop was in that video too! Every home needs a mop and I would say, the only thing missing from the Safe Haven 5 Package is the Mop. We do have it all together in the "Just Add Water Package" along with a couple other favorites. But, most of my hosts get the mop for FREE when they invite friends and family to learn about the amazing benefits of Norwex! After you view this closer look at how to use the Norwex mop, check out the host reward flyer!

One of the best ways to get Norwex in your home is FREE! When you host a Norwex demo and share these amazing products with your friends, Norwex generously gifts you shopping credit! You can get the items on your wish list for FREE! Text me asap (419-362-6267) to have your own Norwex Text demo or an in person get together!

OH! Here's an important tidbit you'll want to know... How to care for your Norwex Cloths to keep them working long and fabulously for you. Here's my friend Megan sharing our best tips.

I absolutely agree with everything she says! Plus, I want to add… it takes my family of 5 people 4 whole months to go through one bag of that laundry detergent! We use 1 to 2 teaspoons in our HE washer which is 1/4 to 1/3 of the scoop they send with the bag. If you have a regular washing machine you can use 1 to 2 tablespoons which is about 1/2 or 3/4 of the scoop that comes in the bag.


The Norwex UPP (Ultra Power Plus) detergent is also great for degreasing things that have been stuck on so long that just water and the cloth doesn't quite clean off. Things like hand prints on stainless steel, gunk on the top of your cupboards, on walls, between your stove and cupboard, oven grates and more… You just use a bowl or sink of hot water and a scoop of UPP, then soak an Enviro Cloth or Enviro Scrub in it and wipe away the built up grease or grime. Then rinse the cloth under running hot water then dunk it again in the soapy water to keep cleaning!


Here's a few of my favorite before and after pictures of UPP in action!

I bet you are ready to shop now.

Please, feel free to text me:

Norwex Monica at: 419-362-6267

with all your questions! I want to help you get the products that are perfect for you and your home!


We have so many fabulous options, we even have personal care items! Oh my! I nearly forgot about the Body Cloth and it's my most favorite cloth too! AND, if you are here because your friend invited you, it's the PRIZE I'm giving away in the drawing! Check out this video to see how I use it. 

We are so excited for you to experience the benefits of Norwex in your home! Here are 3 options for you to get started.


1. Click your hosts name below and place an order!

2. Get it for free by Hosting!

3. Start with a Consultant Account - get a 35% discount, share the products and earn income! 


When I first saw Norwex I chose to sign up with a Consultant Account and hosted a few get togethers right away. As a consultant you can earn income, host rewards and purchase products with a 35% discount! I basically get all my Norwex for FREE! If you have any questions or need assistance with any of these 3 ways to Norwex your home, call or text me anytime!

The Norwex Shopping app is awesome and easy to use! Give it a try when you click on your hosts link.


Also! I highly recommend that you check out the Specials tab and the Packages & Sets section to get the best deals! And, if you want to host and invite friends to shop a link with your name on it, you and your host will receive a free gift!

VIP Customers have perks!

I'd love for you to be a part of

my Happy Cleaning Crew!

text: vip customer to

my number: 419-362-6267

and feel free to save it

as Norwex Monica

I have to take a minute and say, the Norwex Consultant Starter Kit and business opportunity is absolutely amazing and worth checking out! If you could see yourself sharing the benefits of these products or you're just curious...

A special THANK YOU from me and my crew! We are grateful for YOU!


I first saw Norwex in the summer of 2014 and we've been using it ever since. It is such a blessing to have products that save time, money and our health, plus they just work better! Norwex also came to us at a time when we were struggling financially. Being able to start a business with little to no financial investment and earn income right away was exactly what we needed! I continue sharing Norwex because helping others save time, money and their health brings me joy! Because of Norwex I also have a second family; a sisterhood of supporters that encourage and enrich my life. I am so grateful for Norwex! I hope you are blessed by it too!